Monday, November 22, 2010

Final Choice

Last class when this project was being explained, my mind was rolling about what subject I could create an informative graphic around. A couple thoughts came to mind. One of them was how to pass a law. I've taken my share of American government classes to have an idea of what those steps are. But I'm not too into the subject of American government (nor know much about it) so someone else can design a great illustration of that.

Another thought that came to mind was the levels of a rainforest. I remember in elementary a infinite amount of time ago, I learned about the rainforest and the animals that live in the different levels of the rainforest like the canopy and such. I remember when learning about this stuff was so fun.

(I had to draw the forest and label it like this too)

Brainstorming some more I just made up a list of subjects I like/sound interesting. And it goes like this:

Environmental subjects
TV series
Shopping for gifts

We shall see what the final decision is.

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